About us

PoliCom is the Optical Communications Laboratory of the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, DEIB, at Politecnico di Milano.
PoliCom Lab was created to consolidate, coordinate and promote the skills of the Department in the area of optical communications and photonics with a multidisciplinary approach. PoliCom Lab was born in 2009 acquiring the experience of CoreCom, a former research center owned by a Consortium between Politecnico di Milano and Pirelli Cables and Systems. that according to plan expired in 2008 after 13 years of activity.
PoliCom Lab inherited the experimental facilities of CoreCom, focusing its research activities on the development and testing of innovative solutions in the field of fiber optic systems for applications both in the transport and in the access networks, with particular attention to multiplexing techniques (in wavelength, polarization and mode) and to modulation techniques (complex modulation formats and multicarrier modulation) designed to increase the transmitted capacity.
In addition, PoliCom Lab studies new approaches to exploit the optical fiber also for sensing, with the development of original fiber-based sensors for industrial applications.
PoliCom Lab employs a highly qualified research staff, including professors, senior and young researchers, PhD students and graduate students of the DEIB Department.
