
Thesis opportunities

Research activities for next thesis proposals:

  • Multicarrier-Based Optical Systems for Very High Capacity Transmission
  • Innovative technological solutions for large-throughput next-generation access networks
  • Optical fronthaul exploiting WDM and innovative modulations for future 6G applications
  • Optical fiber connections for intra datacenter communications
  • Mode-Division Multiplexed Transmission for Flexible Networks
  • Space division multiplexing in multicore fibers
  • Optical fiber sensing using deployed networks for monitoring and surveillance
  • Quantum secure systems and networks


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    Optical communications, prof. M. Martinelli

    Held by prof. Mario Martinelli.

    School of Industrial and Information Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering

    Short description: WDM optical communication systems. Direct and coherent detection: spectral power density, noise contributions, Signal to Noise Ratio. Direct detection, quantum-limited. Bit Error Rate. Introduction to light quantum theory. Statistical properties of the light. Stimulated emission. ASE noise. Master equation. EDFA, Raman and parametric amplifiers.

    Course details: link.

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    Fondamenti di segnali e trasmissione, prof. P. Boffi e prof. A. Gatto

    Held by prof. Pierpaolo Boffi and prof. Alberto Gatto.

    School of Industrial and Information Engineering, Electronic Engineering

    Short description: The course presents a comprehensive overview about the fundamentals of signals and transmission systems. The course provides the students the instruments to analyze deterministic signals and random processes, with a thorough treatment of Fourier analysis and of noise in communication systems. Moreover, baseband and band-pass communications are presented with practical examples and real-world communications problems. Each topic is treated both theoretically and practically. Selected topics are associated with some simulative activities. .

    Course details: link.

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    Fondamenti di Telecomunicazioni, prof. P. Boffi

    Held by prof. Pierpaolo Boffi.

    School of Industrial and Information Engineering, Physics Engineering

    Short description: The course is devoted to the description of technologies and architectures exploited in the telecommunications networks. The student will be able to understand how the network works, in particular the Internet network, and what are the basic elements and the principles of operation of a communication system. The aim of the course is to show how the information has to be managed in order to be transported in the network, and the layer model together with the protocol operation. The characteristics of the physical interfaces and of the transmission media are also presented with the metrics used to evaluate the performance of a communications system. The course is also based on practical experimental demonstrations allowing the student to become familiar on the setup of a real communication link connected to the Internet network.

    Course details: link.

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    Ottica e immagini, prof. P. Martelli

    Held by prof. Paolo Martelli.

    School of Industrial and Information Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering

    Short description: The course deals also with Fourier optics and the scalar theory of diffraction (apertures and gratings). Gaussian beams in free space are then discussed. Finally, interference and space and time coherence of light is introduced, together with some examples on optical resonators and interferometers.

    Course details: link.

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    Fondamenti di Comunicazioni e Internet, prof. P. Parolari

    Held by prof. Paola Parolari.

    School of Industrial and Information Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering

    Short description: Il corso è dedicato alla descrizione delle architetture e delle tecnologie di comunicazione impiegate nella rete Internet. Lo studente avrà modo di comprendere come funziona la rete Internet e quali sono le scelte progettuali che hanno portato all’Internet del giorno d’oggi. L’approccio didattico è basato su numerosi esempi pratici ed un utilizzo di strumenti software per supporto alle tematiche trattate e per consentire allo studente di acquisire dimestichezza sugli strumenti e sulle tecniche di dimensionamento e valutazione delle prestazioni di reti di telecomunicazioni. Sono inizialmente illustrati i principi delle comunicazioni tra calcolatori e le caratteristiche di base dei protocolli adottati in Internet. In seguito, sono definiti alcuni concetti fondamentali alla base dei sistemi di comunicazione; l’obiettivo è quello di mostrare come l’informazione deve essere “trattata” per poter essere trasferita sull’Internet e quali sono le metriche usate per valutare le prestazioni di un sistema trasmissivo e, di conseguenza, di una rete di telecomunicazioni. L’architettura protocollare della rete è illustrata con un approccio top-down partendo cioè dal livello applicativo (più visibile all’utente finale) e proseguendo con il livello di trasporto, il livello di rete per finire con le tecnologie alla base delle reti locali. Il corso è composto da due moduli non separabili.

    Course details: link.

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    Quantum Communications, prof. P. Martelli

    Held by prof. Paolo Martelli.

    School of Industrial and Information Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering

    Short description: The Quantum communication is the transmission of signals by quantum bits (or qubit) instead of bits. The use of photons as qubits opens concrete possibilities for the development of unconditioned secure crypto-key transmission (quantum key distribution , or QKD) . The Course provides the basis of quantum communications through an introduction that includes axiomatic information theory and axiomatic quantum theory. The Course further details the practical QKD protocols as well as the relevant associated technological issues.

    Course details: link.