Milan, Italy 8th June 2022 An agreement has been signed between the Politecnico di Milano, Regione Lombardia, ARIA (Azienda Regionale per l’Innovazione e gli Acquisti), Intesa Sanpaolo and the 1st Army Transmission Regiment to create in Milan a post-quantum ultra-secure fiber network (i.e. secure even after the advent of quantum computers). This network, called POLIQI – Politecnico di Milano Quantum Infrastructure, will allow to experiment advanced quantum communication solutions with the most advanced data transmission and cyber-security technologies. The collaboration is part of Regione Lombardia “Programma degli interventi per la ripresa economica: sviluppo di nuovi accordi di collaborazione con le università per la ricerca, l’innovazione e il trasferimento tecnologico”.
POLIQI initiative is coordinated by the PoliCom research group.