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PoliCom at SUM TOP 2023
PoliCom will be at IEEE Summer topicals meeting 2023 SUM TOP 2023

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On 17th of July 2023 at 16:30 CET Paola Parolari is presenting the invited paper Partial Parallelisation of MIMO Processing in Multi-Mode Fiber Transmission.
on 18th of July 2023 at 14:00 CET Pierpaolo Boffi is presenting the paper Deployed telecom cables with sensing capabilities thanks to sustainable interferometric approaches.
PoliCom at ICTON 2023
PoliCom will be at PoliCom at International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks ICTON 2023

Follow us on 4th of July 2023
At 16:10 CET Alessandro Gagliano is presenting the invited paper Integration of the QKD layer in fibre networks using multicore fibres.
At 13:50 CET Marco Fasano is presenting the invited paper Fiber interferometric sensors for monitoring the telecom infrastructure integrity.
At 5th of July 2023 at 10:40 CET Matteo Di Giancamillo is presenting the paper Performance analysis of passive decoy-state quantum key distribution.

Rome – Italy 19 April 2023 The project partners: Politecnico di Milano (PoliCom), Politecnico di Torino, Wind TRE and OpenFiber met at OpenFiber headquarters for the presentation of the SENSING-NET project. The SENSING-NET project is an important initiative of RESTART, a comprehensive research program, that aggregates and integrates the main stakeholders of the Italian Telecommunications sector, financed with PNRR funds. Thanks to SENSING-NET, new innovative sensing applications of the already deployed fiber network will be developed, offering important benefits to the community.
QUID EU project KoM

Turin – Italy 08-09 March 2023 In INRIM headquarters, a representative of the PoliCom Lab participated to the Kick-off Meeting of the EU Digital project QUID (Quantum Italy Deployment), devoted to the deployment of the Quantum Communication Infrastructure (QCI) in Italy.
During the two-day meeting the QUID partners had the pleasure to meet in person, discussing about project organization and future actions.
PoliCom at OFC 2023
PoliCom will be at Optical Networking and Communication Conference and Exposition OFC 2023

Follow us on 6th of March 2023
At 11:15 PST Alberto Gatto is presenting the paper Partial MIMO-Based Mode Division Multiplexing Transmission Over the First Field-Deployed 15- Mode Fiber in Metro Scenario.
At 14:00 PST Pierpaolo Boffi is invited to speak at the Panel Optical Fiber Sensing: Technology and Emerging Applications.
At 17:00 PST Paola Parolari is presenting the paper Demonstration of Multi-Hop Mode-Group Routing in a Field-Deployed Multi-Mode Fiber Network.

Milan – Italy 26-27 January 2023. The Kick-off meeting of the RESTART project, “RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smART,” has been held at the Politecnico di Milano. RESTART is an extended partnership funded by PNRR resources under the theme of Telecommunications of the Future that includes 25 partners. During the meeting, the structured project RIGOLETTO – Green autonomic optical networks, systems and integrated devices – has been presented. In RIGOLETTO, the PoliCom Lab is involved in the research activities of WP4 “Physical-layer-aware open and green optical networks” and of WP6 “Demonstrators and prototypes of the future green sustainable optical devices, systems and networks”.
PoliCom at ECOC 2022
PoliCom will be at ECOC 2022

Follow us on 19th of September 2022
At 16:45 Pierpaolo Boffi will present the invited paper Sensing Applications in Deployed Telecommunication Fiber Infrastructures.
On 21st of September 2022
At 13:30 Paola Parolari is the chair of symposium We3G • Quantum Communications – How Will Quantum Technology Revolutionalize the Internet?
PoliCom at APC 2022
ICOP 2022 youngest speaker award
POLIQI: the Milan quantum fiber infrastructure
Milan, Italy 8th June 2022 An agreement has been signed between the Politecnico di Milano, Regione Lombardia, ARIA (Azienda Regionale per l’Innovazione e gli Acquisti), Intesa Sanpaolo and the 1st Army Transmission Regiment to create in Milan a post-quantum ultra-secure fiber network (i.e. secure even after the advent of quantum computers). This network, called POLIQI – Politecnico di Milano Quantum Infrastructure, will allow to experiment advanced quantum communication solutions with the most advanced data transmission and cyber-security technologies. The collaboration is part of Regione Lombardia “Programma degli interventi per la ripresa economica: sviluppo di nuovi accordi di collaborazione con le università per la ricerca, l’innovazione e il trasferimento tecnologico”.
POLIQI initiative is coordinated by the PoliCom research group.

PoliCom at ICOP 2022
Policom will be at Italian Conference on Optics and Photonics – ICOP 2002

Follow us on 15th of June 2022
At 14:30 Mario Martinelli is presenting the invited paper POLIQI: Milano Quantum Infrastructure.
At 14:30 Alberto Gatto is presenting the invited paper MIMO-free transmission system exploiting mode group division multiplexing in FMF.
At 15:30 Alberto Gatto is presenting the paper Coexistence of QKD and production channels in a deployed WDM network.
On 16th of June 2022
At 11:30 Paola Parolari is presenting the paper Coexistence of VCSEL-based DMT transmission and standard OTN channels in the metropolitan area network scenario.
At 16:30 Andrea Madaschi is presenting the paper Experimental Evaluation of the Birefringence Effect on Fiber Optic Current Sensors.
At 16:30 Alessandro Gagliano is presenting the paper Raman Efficiency estimation for integrated quantum-classical communication systems.
Best paper award at ONDM 2022

Warsaw – Poland 19 May 2022. The research group PoliCom lead by Prof. Pierpaolo Boffi won the Best Paper Award for the paper “Optical Sensing in Urban Areas by Deployed Telecommunication Fiber Networks” by P. Boffi, M. Ferrario, I. Di Luch, G. Rizzelli e R. Gaudino, presented at the conference ONDM 2022 – 26th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling.
The paper presents the exploitation of the optical fiber telecommunications network, already installed in our cities for sensing purposes. In particular, the paper shows how the access fiber network operates as a sensor to monitor mecanical vibrations and the onset of dynamic stress (for exampel caused by an earthquake) in civil buildings and critical infrastructures connected to the Fiber-to-the-Home solutions. In the same way, the metropolitan area network is used fro real-time surveillance of the condition of the roads and of the telecommunications cable itself. The experimentation has been done in field using a fiber urban network already deployed in the city of Turin. The research is in collaboration with Politecnico di Torino.